
We Need Your Help!

By Stephanie Pichardo, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Thomasville May 15, 2017

Macaroni Kid Thomasville is a BRAND NEW newsletter in our area and we need your help to spread the word! 

During the last couple of weeks, I have been exploring different ideas for articles, getting in touch with local businesses, and tracking down all of those much-desired family events. All while homeschooling my 9yr old Aspie and preschooler, and tending to my 8-month-old teether! These couple of hectic weeks have been a blast. I have learned that there are so many wonderful businesses we have in this community. I look forward to seeing you guys at our local events!

If you love our Events Calendar, articles, and guides, please share with our community! Friends, family, kiddo's school, EVERYONE! You can forward this article to someone who would enjoy having all the local events in our area in one spot! Click the image below to subscribe.

Thank you, everyone, for your love and support!


Stephanie Pichardo

If you know of an event not listed or would like to list your own, email us at